Pregnancy, Life, and Homeschooling

This year has been full of surprises and beyond hectic. I’m 34 weeks pregnant with a baby that was a wonderful, lovely surprise. We found out at 24 weeks that it’s high risk and that turned our life upside down. We’ve been running to doctor appointment after doctor appointment. My son has been doing schoolContinue reading “Pregnancy, Life, and Homeschooling”

Dungeons and Dragons as an Educational Tool

Dungeons and Dragons will be refered a DND throughout the post If you not into roleplaying games this is probably not the post for you. My family and I are super nerds! We love video games, comic books, action figures, superhero movies, and DND. My son has taken a recent liking to DND and wantedContinue reading “Dungeons and Dragons as an Educational Tool”

Preptober, NanoWrimo, and Homeschooling

This year one of my son’s assignments is to participate in Preptober and NanoWrimo. For those of you who may not know what that is NanoWrimo is something writers do in November. They write a novel of 50,000 words in a month. It is a fun, creative exercise to help them flex their writing muscles. Preptober isContinue reading “Preptober, NanoWrimo, and Homeschooling”

Steph Arven

Writer. Reader. Shadowy figure.


travel, foods and thoughts overload

Able to Teach

Their lives as homeschoolers, my life as their mother


growing up & getting real

The Virtual Book Tour Company

Helping authors make an impact with their books!

The Schoolin' Swag Blog

Homeschooling encouragement, links, freebies, reviews, and more!

At Home

where life happens


Information about the Dragonlore Trilogy and "Dragon Blog"

Hannah Truelove Writing

A casual approach to writing.

Perspective By Zena T.

Life Through My Eyes

Hello Brownlow

Save. Live. Be Minimal.

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Curls of the Party

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Claudia's Café

💜 Reviews, musings and rants!💜

La Vie Est Bell

The journey of an artistic Minimalist